Hamad Jamaan Al-Ajmi Est.
For Gen. Cont. & Transport
Hamad Jaman Al Ajmi Est. For General Contracting is a dynamic Company which carry out variety of services in the field of Engineering, Construction, Fabrication and various services in Oil& Gas
We have enough skip containers and Skip Carriers to collect the
Non – Hazardous solid waste and transport to Landfills approved...
About Us
Hamad Jaman Al Ajmi Est. For General Contracting is a dynamic Company
which carry out variety of services in the field of Engineering, Construction,
Fabrication and various services in Oil& Gas. Founded in March 6, 2005,
it has grown from strength to strength with increasing profits with annual
growth of around 40%.
We have forged links within the industry and strong ties with business linking
to expand our services. It shows Hamad Jaman Al Ajmi Est. Have forward
looking approach to the business they work with and have been committed in
helping the business to get the most effective service provider as possible.